
Can only be used with the $onInteraction callback. Returns the custom ID of this interaction.


!buttons code:

Pick a button!
$addButton[no;button1-$authorID;Button #1;primary;no;]
$addButton[no;button2-$authorID;Button #2;primary;no;]

You may remove -$authorID from $addButton[] to allow all users to use the interaction, rather than just the author.

$onInteraction code:

You picked button #1!
$editButton[$customID;Button #1;success;yes;]
$editButton[button2-$authorID;Button #2;danger;yes;]

You picked button #2!
$editButton[button1-$authorID;Button #1;danger;yes;]
$editButton[$customID;Button #2;success;yes;]

You may remove -$authorID from the $if[] statement to allow all users to use the interaction, rather than just the author.


Before pressing a button:

After pressing a button: